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Aernoudt KnechtOffline

  • WELCOME to our NEW digital neighborhood — a place where facilitators gather, connect, and share their passions. It’s a place full of potential, fostering new friendships, new opportunities and creative collaborations.

    Here we will create and share content — posts, articles, events, resources — and build on a living library of knowledge and i…Read More

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  • A word for INTEGRITY — a powerful foundation for steadfast growth.

    SPIRITUAL GROWTH is not about reaching an ideal state like enlightenment, but about how we show up in each moment — honest, aligned with our values, and fully present.

    We tend to drift towards abstract goals. They can be alluring and distract from the daily, grounded pra…Read More

  • BECOMING a Trance Movement Facilitator is an ongoing process, just like how the essence of our practice intertwines with this basic human nature… to forever grow and evolve… infinitely becoming.

    We just finished another 1st MODULE with a group of wonderful souls. Thank you Sigi, Şeniz, Johanna, Carla, Suzanne, Lotte, Sofie and Sofie, for…Read More

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    Creative Flow & Innovation

    Aernoudt KnechtPushing the Boundaries of CreativityBy: Aernoudt Knecht1 - The Science of Creativity: Entering Flow States2 - Breaking Cognitive Barriers3 - Innovation at the Edge4 - The Future of InnovationCreativity — the spark that drives innovation, shapes the world,...

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  • I think SPACE HOLDING is the most empowering, ánd the most humbling aspect of my work.

    I felt it again today, when we completed another module in our facilitator training program at Wellspring. I lóve to teach, and share my knowledge and experience, on the ins and outs of this extraordinary practice, but HOLDING SPACE is the most touching a…Read More

  • DO YOU DARE TO BE fearlessly, utterly, wholeheartedly, authentically, unconditionally, unapologetically, unashamedly … YOU?

    As a child, you may have disowned parts of yourself that were rejected by others, fragmenting your inner being. This is how you became your own worst enemy, turning one part of you against the other, creating self-hate…Read More

  • Rounding up another GRADUATION MODULE, I am touched by how these WAVES OF TRANSFORMATION spread into the world, like RIPPLES in a pond.

    Look at these beautiful people! Another circle of CERTIFIED Trance Dance Facilitators, who will bring our powerful and TRANSFORMATIVE PRAXIS into the world, and into their own communities!

    We danced, we…Read More

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    Aernoudt Knecht is feeling Blessed

    I finished my Trance Movement workshop in Abu Dhabi, and feel immensely grateful and blessed. There were participants from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, …

    We moved, we breathed, we laughed and cried… as we moved towards more wholeness. The participants showed me again that human capacity for self-healing is…Read More

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    I’m rounding up my workshop in Kuwait City with mixed feelings. On the one hand I feel very content about what has happened the last few days, on the other hand I will miss these beautiful people.

    We did a series of trance journeys that have really moved and healed the participants, quite profoundly. I was pleasantly…Read More

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    To Wake Up

    Aernoudt KnechtThere are many reasons why we wear BLINDFOLDS, in my events, and there's a lot of misconception about it. For an outsider a trance dance can look as if the dancers are losing their minds. But, provided the...

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