Trance Movement

7 Day Retreat

FREE Yourself
from limiting thoughts, emotions and beliefs
ALIGN Yourself
from the authenticity of your being
EXPAND Yourself
from essence and alignment
EMPOWER Yourself
with breath, rhythm, sound and movement

Full Week Retreat

This retreat is a chance to have a life changing experience and connect to ALL layers of your being.

When you allow yourself to move into deeper meditation and trance, you will return home…
deep within.

Chakra Journey

In this retreat you will make an inner journey, to energize different aspects of your being. Your path of discovery will be KUNDALINI, and you will activate each Chakra along the way. These daily trance dances will be embedded in a larger program of meditation-, body-, breath- and soundwork.

Profound Connection
with Essence, Source & Creativity!

This will connect you with who you really are, at a deeper level, and bring mental clarity, healing, creativity and growth!

Moments of silence, and time and space for yourself, are interspersed with group activities. We will work with:

Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingBreathwork
Trance Dance Facilitator Training
Meditation & Trance
Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingSound & Music
Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingMovement & Dance


Aernoudt KnechtAernoudt Knecht has over 20 years of experiece in the fields of psychology (MSc, Radboud University), meditation, trance- and somatic therapies and coaching, over 10 years of experience in facilitating darkness retreats, and is internationally renowned for his work in teaching and facilitating Trance Dance and Trance Movement™.

Sigi DamanSince her childhood, Sigi Daman has been holding space for others. She practised and refined her skills as a deep listener, intuitive feeler and massageworker, and works with Trance Movement™, music and vocal soundhealing, as her biggest medicines, bringing these tools into the world for healing, growing, awareness, love, joy and freedom.

Some Testimonials

"Now I dare to dance anywhere because I have overcome my fear and discovered unsuspected dancing powers! Long live the trance dance! I move, so I dance!"
"No workshop gave me so much energy. Highly recommended!..."
Caroline Broeckx - Goed Gevoel Magazine
"When I tell people about our week, they say my eyes sparkle!"
"I am grateful, because you handled it so well with your calmness and expert guidance. Thank you very much!"
"Goodbye wallflower, from now on I will let myself go trance dancing!"
Fleur - Margriet Lijf & Leven
"It still resonates. Since I returned from the retreat, I have noticed many new things, my intuition has been sharpened."
"Before I know, I'm dancing, cautious at first, but soon I let myself go. I just do what comes to mind and turn out to make the strangest movements. A very liberating feeling"
Floor - Den Haag Centraal
"For those who enjoy dancing, trance dancing is the ultimate form of therapy. No vague talk, but loud music: you can feel this, and how!"
Caroline - Goed Gevoel Magazine

Venues, Prices and Dates


March 17-23

Info & Sign-Up>


July 13-19

Info & Sign-Up>