There are many reasons why we wear BLINDFOLDS, in my events, and there’s a lot of misconception about it. For an outsider a trance dance can look as if the dancers are losing their minds. But, provided the ritual is being facilitated well, quite the oppositie is happening. On the level of the mind, it’s actually a MENTAL CLEARING UP, that’s taking place.

To WAKE UP, is a verb that is nowadays used by those who point us at the ways in wich we are enslaved by an elite. But in spiritual work, WAKING UP used to describe the process of becoming more aware of your projections, your ego, and to connect with who you really are, at a deeper level.

We humans project our inner world upon the outside world, constantly. Our superstitions, beliefs, and tainted views on reality, are mostly unconscious, and are often fuelled by emotions. Waking up means looking inside. Not escaping reality, but facing your thoughts, your demons, your trauma, your fears, your projections.

And I promise you… this journey inside, through darkness, will bring you true spiritual transcendence! Actually, you will discover that life IS deeply spiritual, that everything IS connected, and that you are ONE with ALL of it… but not coming from fancy stories, that your ego needs to believe, but from what Terence McKenna called “the felt presence of direct experience”.

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