Rounding up another GRADUATION MODULE, I am touched by how these WAVES OF TRANSFORMATION spread into the world, like RIPPLES in a pond.
Look at these beautiful people! Another circle of CERTIFIED Trance Dance Facilitators, who will bring our powerful and TRANSFORMATIVE PRAXIS into the world, and into their own communities!
We danced, we…Read More
Aernoudt Knecht is
feeling Blessed
I finished my Trance Movement workshop in Abu Dhabi, and feel immensely grateful and blessed. There were participants from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, …
We moved, we breathed, we laughed and cried… as we moved towards more wholeness. The participants showed me again that human capacity for self-healing is…Read More
Aernoudt Knecht is
feeling Excited
I’m rounding up my workshop in Kuwait City with mixed feelings. On the one hand I feel very content about what has happened the last few days, on the other hand I will miss these beautiful people.
We did a series of trance journeys that have really moved and healed the participants, quite profoundly. I was pleasantly…Read More
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