Sound Journey Creation

7 Day Training

Rhythms of Transformation
Deep Trance & Healing
Live & Digital Soundscapes
Altered States & Movement
Alchemy of Sound
Merge Live Instruments & Technology
Frequencies of Flow
The Art and Science of Music


with Esta Goossens & Aernoudt Knecht

Learn about the profound healing properties of sound & rhythm

Learn to work with digital tools, like DJ-software and other technologies

Learn about the neurology & psychology of sound & rhtyhm

Learn to work with live instruments for healing & growth

Go on a personal journey of transformation

Sound, Music & Rhythm

For Facilitators

In this masterclass, we explore the power of sound as a gateway to altered states. Discover the transformative power of sound and music in this immersive masterclass module.

This training is for:
Dance & Movement Facilitators
Workshop Leaders
Therapists and Healers
Musicians & DJ’s

Do you want to learn to work with organic and digital tools to create soundscapes for your clients or groups? Learn how to use both live instruments — rattles, drums, & beyond — as well as digital tools — hardware & software — to craft deep, musical, rhythmic journeys that guide participants into a journey through altered states of consciousness.

With a focus on healing, transformation, and growth, this training equips facilitators to expand their toolkit with live soundscapes that resonate on every level, opening profound pathways for personal and collective transformation.

Musician & DJ Training

This masterclass brings together two experts in the art of sound journey creation: Esta Polyesta (DJ Training) and Aernoudt Knecht (Musician Training). Together, they offer a rare and transformative training — blending the best of electronic and organic sound to create and facilitate deep trance journeys.

with Esta Polyesta:

Working with Traktor Software
  • Working with software only
  • Working with a Traktor controller of Traktor mixer
  • Recording in Traktor
  • Creating a seamless journey.
  • Basic Transitions between tracks
  • Use of loops
  • Introduction to the use of effects
Music theory:
  • Counting beats.
  • Phrasing

Where and how to find music

  • For practice in the software we will include a folder of music that we are allowed to give to you. We have permission from the creators.
  • Short explanation of different track formats.

with Aernoudt Knecht:

Working with Musical Instruments

This section of the training focuses on the use of percussive and acoustic instruments — woodblocks, drums, rattles, and more — to shape immersive sound journeys.

  • Electronic vs Organic
  • Trance & Rhythm
  • Techniques & Mastery
  • Music Theory
  • Rhythm & Movement

We dive into the essence of trance-inducing sound: what makes certain frequencies, rhythms, and textures effective in shifting consciousness? What techniques are important to maste, and what bring people into deeper states?

Through hands-on practice, we refine the art of guiding with sound, understanding not just the mechanics but the subtle intuition behind creating sonic landscapes that transport, transform, and open doorways.


This training requires an additional financial commitment and investment, not included in the training price. To have the best possible experience it is recommended to buy a Traktor S2 controller or Traktor Z1 mixer or just the software.

Traktor Z1 (light version software included) 250.-
Traktor S2 (full version software included) 270 – 330.-

Not ready for the hardware, only the software can be bought for 150. Want to just get a taste? There is a free trial version, that you have to restart every half hour.

The DJ part is not mandatory, but it can really enhance your work and it is so much fun. When you join in this part you need a perfectly functional laptop. Macbook is recommended, because with a good Mac book with the second latest (better not the newest) iOS, Traktor is plug and play. When you choose another type of laptop, be mindful that you yourself are able to understand how your laptop functions. Bring a headphone with a cord and plug to plug into your laptop and/or controller. (No bluetooth headphone!)


Aernoudt KnechtAernoudt Knecht, founder of Trance Movement International, has over 20 years of experiece in the fields of psychology (MSc, Radboud University), meditation, trance- and somatic therapies and coaching. Aernoudt has worked as a musician in the field of rituals and altered states for over 25 years, and has over 15 years of experience in teaching and facilitating Trance Dance and Trance Movement™. He is the senior teacher in the Trance Movement Facilitator Training program.

Esta GoossensEsta Goossens, co-founder of Trance Movement International, is one of the most prominent DJs in Global Beats, World Music and Ecstatic Dance in Europe. She is the most active DJ, Ceremony Leader and facilitator in the Netherlands and one of the most international Ecstatic Dance DJs and Ceremony Leaders from the Netherlands. Ecstatic Dance has taken her to Russia, UK, USA, Thailand, Sweden, Romania, Germany, India, Portugal, Kazakhstan and many other places, including online sessions.


Nature Park South Eifel

Wellspring Retreat Center

You will stay at the cosy retreat called Wellspring
located, a former renovated hostel in the beautiful South Eifel Nature Park. Wellspring is surrounded by forests and streams that are fulll of wildlife.


At Wellspring, participants can stay in 2p and 3p rooms (single room surplus), or set up your tent or van on the land.


We serve healthy and vegetarian meals, mostly organic. Coffee, tea and refreshments are included.

Upcoming Dates

October 13-19, 2025

Arrival 16-18 h, Departure 13 h

Packages & Prices


Includes all teaching hours, materials, sharings, and personal coaching when needed.

Sum: €1200

All amounts are including VAT. We will issue an invoice upon request. Please note: the training price doesn’t include accommodation or meals.

Lodging & Meals

Self sufficient? Bring your own accommodation, or stay elsewhere. Price includes all meals and refreshments, and use of facilities.

Meals: €300

Sum (incl. workshop): €1500

A single bed in a room with 1 or 2 others. Price includes accommodation, all meals and use of facilities.

Lodging & Meals: €600

Sum (incl. workshop): €1800

Ultimate privacy with a single or double bed in single room. Price includes accommodation, all meals and use of the facilities.

Lodging & Meals: €750

Sum (incl. workshop): €1950

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