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Patricia Taylor


Vilalba in Lugo


In 2001, I began my training as an eclectic psychotherapist, a journey that brought me in touch with the unconscious, especially through the component of Hypnotherapy. This was the moment when my consciousness was opened to navigate the unconscious and find deep healing in old traumas and emotions. My own emotions have since served as my compass in the process of becoming the person I am today – a medium capable of recognizing where emotional blockages are stored in the energetic field and bringing them into motion, not only in this life but also through the many lifetimes and themes stored in our bodies on a cellular and soul level.

During my training as a Trancedance facilitator, I personally experienced how dancing with a blindfold can bring immense liberation, helping to release what has been held within. In my workshops, I observe where participants need just that little push to move forward with the theme they are dancing through.

My role as a facilitator is to create a safe space and support the opening of the heart connection. By momentarily letting go of the external impulses, participants can reconnect with their own creative source and receive valuable information that helps them on their spiritual journey.