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Aernoudt KnechtOffline

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    Aernoudt Knecht

    7 months ago

    I think SPACE HOLDING is the most empowering, ánd the most humbling aspect of my work.

    I felt it again today, when we completed another module in our facilitator training program at Wellspring. I lóve to teach, and share my knowledge and experience, on the ins and outs of this extraordinary practice, but HOLDING SPACE is the most touching aspect of my work.

    I have mastered many skills, and cultivated a strong presence, in creating safety, working with energy and people, and creating a sacred space to heal and grow. I teach to set everything up with care and attention and then, when the drum rolls… to allow yourself, as a facilitator, TO BE HUMBLED!

    Being humbled by what UNFOLDS in the space you hold, creates room for spirit to move. It’s not about you, and what you project upon it, but about BEING IN SERVICE of the transformation you facilitate.

    This past week I had the honor witnessing the transformation and empowerment of six amazing women, from Germany, Holland, Belgium and Turkey. We laughed, we cried, we connect deeply with ourselves and each other, we moved through the shadow and brought our gifts into light. I am humbled, I am grateful.

    If you feel a calling for deeper connection, for facilitating transformation in others, or simply want to explore the profound TRANSFORMATIVE POWER of Trance Dance, this might be your call.

    With passion,
