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Sigi DamanOffline

  • Profile picture of Sigi Daman

    Sigi Daman

    1 months, 1 weeks ago

    “Touched by Trance Movement” Connecting SPRING Days 14 -17 april 2025

    NOW : ONE Time Early Bird Family Price…Another Chance for a Beautiful Dance!

    “Alohaaaa lovely people…

    After the wonderful sauna weekend together at Elaisa, organized by San, and the incredibly successful 7×7 celebration weekend in December…

    It is NOW time to organize another Connecting celebration weekend together! With this message, San and I warmly invite you, our amazing people, to a loving and connecting 3-day, 3-night gathering.

    You can expect a beautiful program from us, including Sensual yoga, Trance Movement sessions, a Drum & Sound circle, a Wheel of Consent workshop, guided Massage sessions and off course the power of Sharing Circles.

    Sounds goooood toooo us! 🤩😎🌸🎶

    All we ask from you is your willingness to be present and to cover the cost of the venue rental (Wellspring) and your food. Once again, this is our gift to you. 😉

    This Beautiful Gathering will take place on:

    Monday, April 14 to Thursday morning, April 17, 2025
    Arrival from 1:00 PM
    Dinner provided at 6:00 PM
    Check-out from rooms at 10:00 AM


    In the stunning Wellspring Center in Sankt Thomas, Eifel Mountains, Germany.


    €180 per person

    Do you feel the same big YEEEESSSS 🎶🐬🎶 as we do?

    Then please send us a message, voice note, or call, and reserve your bed as soon as possible.
    Your spot is confirmed with a payment of €180 per person . 💜

    Bank details:
    Sigrid Daman
    IBAN: BE82 0635 2438 5368
    Reference: “Celebration Weekend April 2025” + your full name(s)

    (Alternatively, you can make a first payment of €110 per person as soon as possible and no later than February 14 for the venue. The second payment of €70 per person should be made by April 2 for food purchases.)

    Max. 15 participants

    Rooms are shared (2 or 3 people per room).

    After payment, you will be added to the “Flowing WE” WhatsApp group, where we will share further details.
    (This group will be deleted after the event 😉)

    Let’s goooo for a Full House!

    We are very curious to see who will fly to Sankt Thomas this time!

    Much love and big hugs,

    🌸 Sigi & San 🌸”

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