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Aernoudt KnechtOffline

  • Profile picture of Aernoudt Knecht

    Aernoudt Knecht

    7 months, 2 weeks ago

    DO YOU DARE TO BE fearlessly, utterly, wholeheartedly, authentically, unconditionally, unapologetically, unashamedly … YOU?

    As a child, you may have disowned parts of yourself that were rejected by others, fragmenting your inner being. This is how you became your own worst enemy, turning one part of you against the other, creating self-hate and shame.

    SELF-LOVE is an ongoing, daily commitment, like maintaining any other relationship. The KEY is to acknowledge, accept, and integrate those parts of yourself that you reject.
    But that’s not so easy…
    Or is it??

    It is time for EXALTATION!

    In ancient ALCHEMY, exaltation is the process of transforming a substance into its HIGHEST and PUREST form – for example making gold from metals – and extending this beyond physical materials to spiritual growth, elevating your soul’s or personality traits to their most refined and beneficial states.

    You see, the key is to not discard impurities that seem flawed or negative, but to RECONCILE and INCORPORATE them into a higher state of being, to achieve a more perfected unified WHOLE. For example, you can transform anger into constructive energy or motivation, dominance into authentic leadership, or sensitivity into empathy.

    There is nothing about you that is flawed, or wrong, or a mistake. You are PERFECT! You are a GIFT to this world! Make time to go inward – quality time, like you would spend with a friend or lover – and connect from LOVE and COMPASSION. Everything that seems negative about you now is just waiting to be refined into something beautiful. Beautiful… like YOU!

