Trance Dance Weekend Retreat

3 Day Retreat

FREE Yourself
from limiting thoughts and beliefs
ALIGN Yourself
from the authenticity of your being
EXPAND Yourself
from your essence and alignment
EMPOWER Yourself
with breath, sound and bodywork

Weekend Retreat

In this powerful retreat you can free yourself, and allow yourself to rejuvinate, empower, gain a new perspective, and change your life!

Healing Journey

We will do a series of trance dances, embedded in a program of meditation-, body-, breath- and soundwork, to energize and explore different aspects of our being.

It’s a healing journey!

Through it your mind clears up, and you profoundly (re)connect with essence, and with the source of life and creativity itself. This can bring mental clarity, healing, creativity and growth.

Profound Connection
with Essence, Source & Creativity!

Moments of silence, and time and space for yourself, are interspersed with group activities. We will work with:

Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingBreathwork
Trance Dance Facilitator Training
Meditation & Trance
Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingSound & Music
Trance Dance Facilitator TrainingMovement & Dance


Wellspring Retreat Center

You will stay at the cosy retreat called Wellspring
located in the beautiful South Eifel Nature Park. Wellspring is surrounded by forests and streams that are fulll of wildlife.


participants stay in 2p and 3p rooms (single room depending on availability and for a surplus)


We serve healthy and vegetarian meals, mostly organic. Coffee, tea and refreshments are included.


Aernoudt Knecht has over 20 years of experiece in the fields of psychology (MSc, Radboud University), meditation, trance- and somatic therapies and coaching, and is internationally renowned for his work in teaching and facilitating trance dance.

Some Testimonials

"Now I dare to dance anywhere because I have overcome my fear and discovered unsuspected dancing powers! Long live the trance dance! I move, so I dance!"
"No workshop gave me so much energy. Highly recommended!..."
Caroline Broeckx - Goed Gevoel Magazine
"When I tell people about our week, they say my eyes sparkle!"
"I am grateful, because you handled it so well with your calmness and expert guidance. Thank you very much!"
"Goodbye wallflower, from now on I will let myself go trance dancing!"
Fleur - Margriet Lijf & Leven
"It still resonates. Since I returned from the retreat, I have noticed many new things, my intuition has been sharpened."
"Before I know, I'm dancing, cautious at first, but soon I let myself go. I just do what comes to mind and turn out to make the strangest movements. A very liberating feeling"
Floor - Den Haag Centraal
"For those who enjoy dancing, trance dancing is the ultimate form of therapy. No vague talk, but loud music: you can feel this, and how!"
Caroline - Goed Gevoel Magazine

Upcoming Dates

April 18-21, 2024

Start Friday 18:00 End Sunday 13:00


meals and lodging: €160
workshop & materials: €230

Sum: €390

Sign Up Now!

Max. 12 Participants

Feel the calling? Join us!
Please fill out the sign-up-form below.


feel free to contact us

QuoteHow about…

going on a retreat
with nothing else to do
than enjoy nourishing meals,
explore ravishing nature,
connect with wonderful people,
catch up on deep sleep,
and surrender to your inner journey!?

Join us!

Sign Up Now!