Sigi Daman

Co-founder & Junior Teacher

Sigi Daman - Trance Movement Founder and TeacherSigi Daman, workshop facilitator, co-founder of Trance Movement International, and junior teacher at the Academy, brings her passion and inner wisdom to serve the TMI Association.

Throughout her journey, she has discovered her strength and deep love for life, investing in numerous life-changing training programs. Her completed training includes Trance Movement Facilitation, Lomi Lomi, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic Practice, Sweat Lodge Firekeeping, Sound Healing, Aware Parenting Coaching, Leadership Training, Pathway of the Horse, and Freedom Unlocked Training.

With this diverse experience, Sigi ensures a safe, inspiring, and enriching learning experience for all programs and retreats.

QuoteAs an active member of the Trance Movement Community, my heart beats with love and passion for the transformative power of trance and its ability to unite, heal, and inspire….

I deeply resonate with the journey of growth and transformation…. Like a seed that begins its journey in the dark, it finds its way to the light, breaking through barriers to bloom into its full potential.

Through the crack in the concrete, the flower grows—a symbol of resilience and the unbreakable force of life. When it finally unfurls its petals, it shines in all its colors, unapologetically and unconditionally. It does not seek approval; it simply is. And in its being, it radiates pure essence.

This mirrors the spirit of trance—a space where we grow, shine, and connect, guided by the rhythm of our inner light….

Let s spread the Love!

Sigi Daman


Trancedans met Sigi is zacht én hevig nederdalen in je eigen dansende lichaam. Zij biedt veiligheid, vertrouwen, creatieve aanpak en onweerstaanbaar mooie en krachtige muziek. Het onverwachte is plotseling weer mogelijk en grijpbaar. Haar empathie in de deel cirkels lijkt wel grenzeloos.
Greta Leire
Ik stap in mijn auto en ben met mezelf. Voel dat de cirkel mij een bevrijdend, luchtig en tegelijkertijd een geaard gevoel heeft achtergelaten. Dankjewel aan jullie allemaal, de cirkel.
Michelle Gabriel
Ik mocht mijn eerste trance dance ervaren onder de sterke en warme vleugels van Sigi Daman. Wat een reis!
Jody Klunge
Sigi created a very loving space full of energy. Her music sometimes challenges me and from the moment I surrender, it opens spaces that make me wonder, allowing deep, brings surprising insights and great relief.
Sigi zet een uiterst krachtig energetisch veld neer (waarbij alle mogelijk aanwezige gene van bij de inleiding verdwijnt), haar gronding brengt rust en de betrouwbaarheid die ze uitstraalt maakte het voor mij mogelijk om een innerlijke reis te maken waar alle stukjes helemaal mochten zijn. Het bracht me inzichten, lucht, liefde en nog zoveel meer!
Jody Klunge
First time in my life trance dance! With Sigi!! and wooooooow, what a beautiful experience! The music was gorgeous! The presence of Sigi did me feel safe, free and open! So I was free, safe and open! I could make a deep deep dive in the dance! Really amazing! What a blessing to my soul and body! Thank you, Sigi!!
Joanna Bonte