Anja Huber
Since 2015 Anja is practicing trance dancing. While dancing with closed eyes to rhythmic sound, she started to discover a space where she could stay in for hours, feeling like being home. She could nurish and discover herself, feel free and connected. Soon she could use trancedancing as a way of communication with her surrounding. Sometimes you can find her dancing beside a river or in a park in the middle of a busy city, her eyes closed.
When her wish grew to share this space with others she started the trance dance facilitator training. Beside her usual job as a manager, she facilitates trance dances on events, festivals and as a row of seminars. Her music-mixes are inspired by the electronic music scene and she invites other artists for cooperation and to share the spirit and the joy of trance dancing.
„If life is a dance I would love the whole world to dance together in beauty, wisdom and peace“